No-code/low-code development has been around for a while, acting like a disruptive force across IT. However, as disruption triggers innovation, more enterprises have started to realize the advantages of using no-code/low-code solutions to fuel their digital transformation.

Not surprisingly, a recent industry report forecasts the low-code development platform market size to reach $46.4 billion in 2026, at a compound annual growth rate of 25%. The same industry analysts highlight numerous partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, product launches and expansions occurring amongst notable market players within this space.
Despite its rising popularity—or perhaps because of it—some common misconceptions still persist. Perceived downsides of limited no-code tools may have had some truth initially. However, now that the market has matured and several new competitors have flooded the space, there have been considerable improvements to no-code options.
Still skeptical? Let’s further explore these 4 common misconceptions:
1. No code (or low code) is only made for building end-user applications
No code is not only about building applications. Although, yes – there are more options to choose from if you’re simply shopping for a no-code application builder. However, there are veritable no-code or low-code solutions that perform other enterprise functions such as data warehousing; analytic data processing; and modeling and planning. In fact, it is likely that these are the market areas that will continue to grow and innovate in the next couple of years.
Below are key players in the enterprise functions where no-code or low-code development has proven to work and to be a crucial game-changer for businesses—especially those struggling to find enough development and IT resources or wanting to better leverage their citizen developers.
Cloud and Virtual Data Warehousing | Data and Analytic Processing Automation | Collaborative Modeling and Planning | User Application Development |
Snowflake (low code) | Alteryx (low code) | Anaplan (low code) | ServiceNow (no code) |
Optymyze (no code) |
The “declarative programming” concept – telling the software what to do, instead of how to do it –that is embraced in a no-code development platform applies to any enterprise function. It is this declarative programming that drives no code’s signature speed and ease of use, providing endless options.
2. No code is anti-developer
No code may leave traditional developers feeling skeptical and perhaps even underappreciated. There is certainly tons of press circulating about all the benefits of having citizen developers do work they used to perform. But most traditional developers should be self-aware enough to see how no-code development innovations benefit them.
There are voices suggesting that developers will organically shed their menial duties and take on the more advisory and strategic roles. Citizen developers will perform the easy tasks, while traditional developers’ work will be elevated to more specialized challenges: governance, security, compliance, and oversight of the change management processes.
With this organizational model, traditional developers will be able to increase their contribution levels, their value, and their pay.
3. No code cannot scale; no code cannot handle big data
Not all no-code players are the same – some are able to handle big data, others not so much. So during the procurement process, it’s important to ask whether the solution you’re assessing is able to scale and handle big data needs for today and for the future. After all, it’s well known that big data is the future, and any no-code solutions that cannot handle large data sets run the risk of becoming obsolete.
However, the question is not just about how much data the no-code development platform is able to store and process. It is also about how easily the platform integrates with an organizations’ existing data sources. Most companies have siloed data that exists in several other enterprise applications or legacy data systems. So a no-code platform that allows for easy data ingestion from various sources will certainly benefit them.
The best no-code platforms today offer built-in data integrations or some fast ways to ingest data in real time, as opposed to others that outsource the integration piece to third-party tools – an approach that, more often than not, creates additional work and challenges.
4. No code is inflexible
As enterprise buyers evaluate a purchase, they also assess potential risks associated with any new enterprise solution. One common concern is getting stuck with an inflexible platform that does not cater to additional, unique needs that might arise in the future.
Fortunately, there are development platforms that are either 100% no code and flexible, or feature a combination of no-code setup standards and custom coding options. This means they allow for the possibility to interject custom code if and as needed.
These development platform companies have recognized the value of the 80/20 rule, and successfully implemented it. They have built no-code standards to address the needs of approximately 80% of the buyers without any customization and have also accounted for potential custom needs that 20% of the buyers might have.
There are no-code custom platforms that provide setup choices that allow for an unlimited number of no-code options to address custom needs. And there are hybrid ones that come with a combination of no-code and low-code setup choices that only present options for coded customization where necessary.
Development platforms that offer no-code standard options and no-code custom options are best equipped to address any requirements an enterprise may have now or in the future. These are the ones that allow you to choose out-of-the-box solutions, without being “stuck in the box” all the time.
Now, it’s time to put these misconceptions behind and make the most of the advantages that no code has to offer. Learn how Optymyze enables today’s enterprises to successfully reach their digital transformation goals.